About Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors

At Bouwinvest, your Dutch gateway to real estate since 1952, we are committed to creating financial returns for our institutional clients. Originating from the Dutch construction workers pension fund bpfBOUW, we have built up a unique position as an investment manager overseeing €15.7 billion in assets (HY 2024).
We offer institutional investors access to a carefully curated portfolio of Dutch direct investments and targeted global indirect investments, while also providing tailored investment opportunities through new funds, separate accounts, joint ventures, and club deals.
In line with our investment philosophy, we recognize that achieving long-term success and outperformance requires investing in ESG considerations where these align with delivering financial returns within our investment horizon.
By integrating both, we balance the preservation and growth of future financial value for our investors while contributing positively to society.
We work closely with our partners, for example, as a founding member of the public-private partnership Holland Metropole and through active involvement in the boards of industry organizations such as ANREV, INREV, IVBN, and NEPROM.
To us, that is real value for life.

Our history
Established as department within bpfBOUW
BPF Bouwinvest established
Bouwinvest Real Estate Investment Management started as a separate investment manager
Bouwinvest opened its Dutch Residential, Retail and Office funds for all institutional investors
International mandates and Dutch Hotel and Healthcare funds launched
New strategy under a new name: Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors
International office in Sydney opened
International office in New York opened
Dutch Impact Partnership launched for ABP & bpfBOUW
Board of directors

Allard van Spaandonk
Chief Investment Officer Dutch Investments

Stephen Tross
Chief Investment Officer International Investments / Director European Investments (interim)

Supervisory board
Wendy Verschoor
Voorzitter raad van commissarissen

Jos van Lange
Vice voorzitter raad van commissarissen

Gabrielle Reijnen
Lid raad van commissarissen