Contact Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors

Contact details
Amsterdam (head office)
Visitors: La Guardiaweg 4, 1043 DG Amsterdam, Netherlands
Postal adress: PO Box 56045, 1040 AA Amsterdam, Netherlands
+31 20 677 1600
Sydney Office
5 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
+61 451 434 558
New York Office
1230 Avenue of the Americas, 16th Floor, Suite 1627, New York, NY 10020, United States
+1 646 866 3958
For investors: Complaint handling procedure
At Bouwinvest we see every complaint or statement of dissatisfaction as an opportunity to improve our services. When a client expresses his or her displeasure it will provide an interesting insight into the customer experience. By handling the complaint with the utmost care, we have set ourselves the goal to solve the problem of the client.
You can read how Bouwinvest handles complaints in the document Complaint Handling Procedure: click here.

Contact details for investment opportunities
Our investors can visit the portal for investors
Contact persons press & media
Nicolette Klein Bog
Head of Marketing & Corporate Affairs