Stichting Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Residential Fund focuses on properties in the liberalised rental sector, where there is constant demand due to population growth and continuing urbanisation. Institutional investors can count on stable returns combined with societal impact. The Residential Fund takes a long-term approach to investment, with a growth strategy based on quality, affordability and sustainability.

Quality: the right housing for the right target group

To ensure a high occupancy rate, Bouwinvest Residential Fund properties must meet the wishes of both current and future tenants. That is why we invest in the Netherlands’ economically stronger regions, where demand for housing is highest. The fund focuses on the Holland Metropole (Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, Rotterdam and Eindhoven) and the three big cities in the east of the country – Arnhem, Nijmegen and Zwolle. We have also developed specific tenant profiles, based on our research into different life cycles. This means we know who our tenants and potential tenants are, where they come from and what sort of home they want to live in. In turn, we can offer tenants a home appropriate to their needs and ensure a high occupancy rate.

Affordability: investing in inclusive areas

The Residential Fund contributes to solving housing needs by investing in mid-market rentals for families, small households, young professionals and first-time tenants. Our housing is located in affordable, attractive and inclusive cities - the cities where people will want to live and work in the future. This strategy means our investments retain their value and we can combine the needs of society with the financial interests of our clients.

"Our residential fund capitalises on the enormous, structural demand for affordable housing in the bigger cities"

Sustainability: durable buildings keep their value better

The Residential Fund invests in sustainable new-build and in making our current portfolio more durable. This creates a win-win situation, because our property makes an attractive investment while contributing to the need to develop a more sustainable society in general. We aim to ensure our portfolio is almost entirely energy neutral by 2045.

In recognition of our efforts, in 2022 the fund was awarded a five-star GRESB sustainability certificate, which places it in the top 20% of the best performing real estate funds in the world.


In the spotlight: Sluishuis Amsterdam


On 10 March 2021, the Regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (hereinafter: SFDR) came into force. The aim of the SFDR is to create more harmonisation in the sustainability-related disclosures that investment managers provide their clients and to make it easier to compare the financial products in terms of their sustainability. 

Bouwinvest qualifies its products as light green, promoting ecological and social characteristics.

The Level 2 requirements of SFDR are applicable since the beginning of 2023. In addition to the generic statements, Level 2 requires statements on the level of financial products. In accordance with the SFDR requirements, all Bouwinvest funds are classified. The Dutch Residential Fund classifies as article 8 fund under SFDR and promotes ecological and social characteristics.

The product specific statements are included in the Information Memorandum and the annual report of the fund. In addition to these statements, the attached document provides the required information about the Dutch Residential Fund. Further information on SFDR and all statements can be found on the SFDR page.

Article 10 - SFDR Website Disclosure Residential Fund

pdf 0.3 MB

Discover why we invest in affordable housing

Tenant satisfaction is one of the objectives of the Residential Fund

Contact George Theuvenet if you consider investing in our fund

Investing in the Bouwinvest Residential Fund

The Bouwinvest Residential Fund is open to institutional investors. Our strategy ensures they can count on stable returns combined with societal impact. For more information, please contact George Theuvenet via +31 (0)6 53316074 or

George Theuvenet
Business Development Director
Paul van Stiphout
Fund Manager Residential Investments
