03 September 2020

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Bouwinvest received two prizes at the IPE Real Estate Global Conference & Awards 2020, which this year were held online, in the categories: ‘Best Investor in The Netherlands’ and ‘Best Core and Core Plus Strategies.’

The awards recognise the advances in Bouwinvest’s growth strategy in recent years and particularly the extension in our client base, the internationalization of the portfolio and the sharp focus on both financial and societal  returns. These elements of our business all come together in Bouwinvest’s ‘Real Value for Life’ mission commitment where we seek to find a balance between creating social and financial value.

Bouwinvest has carefully managed steady growth in its domestic and international portfolios, which reached a total of €12.9 billion at the end of 2019, from €5.4 billion in 2015. This asset base is broadly diversified across five Dutch sector funds (Residential, Retail, Office, Hotel and Healthcare) and three international regional mandates (Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific). We have also expanded our multi-client mix to a total of 25 institutional investors over this period and  have reinforced our global network with the opening of our first international representative office in Sydney, Australia for Asia-Pacific markets.

Together, these developments mean Bouwinvest is solidly on track to reach our goal of € 17.3 billion in entrusted capital by 2022. Bouwinvest believes in creating value in financial and social terms and  the breadth and diversity of our real estate assets means we can meaningfully influence and contribute, together with our partners, to the future design and sustainability of the cities in which we invest. Our asset management processes are focused on the sustainability, livability and accessibility of the urban environment, which generates the stable and improving long-term pension benefits upon which retirees depend.

On the path to complying with the Paris Climate Change Accords, or becoming ‘Paris Proof’ in 2045, Bouwinvest is developing roadmaps to achieving nearly ‘energy-neutral’ real estate portfolios. Combating climate change is an important pillar of our Real Value for Life ambition and we work up from building to fund level in finding the best and smartest ways of reaching this goal, whether it is properly insulting roofs and facades, or the application of modern energy-efficient installations for heating, cooling and lighting. All energy required is generated sustainably as much as possible. 

If you want to read more about why Bouwinvest won its IPE awards, then check the website of IPE Real Estate: IPE Real Estate

Check Bouwinvests thank you video:

For best investor The Netherlands:

And for the best Core and Core Plus Strategies:
