15 October 2024

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Bouwinvest’s real estate investment funds have made progress in the reduction of CO2 emissions from their portfolios. In addition to this, all the funds were awarded five-star ratings in the annual GRESB sustainability survey. Bouwinvest’s data-driven approach enables it to take targeted steps to make its real estate portfolios Paris Proof and achieve its sustainability targets no later than by 2045.

Bouwinvest wants its portfolios to meet the Paris climate goals, effectively making them natural gas-free and near-zero energy by 2045. To achieve this, Bouwinvest has drawn up detailed CRREM roadmaps that show the path we need to take to achieve a fully Paris Proof real estate portfolio. Bouwinvest has laid out the most efficient route to achieve its sustainability goals, for each fund and at building level, carefully weighing up costs, returns and effectiveness.

Based on these roadmaps, Bouwinvest’s funds have taken actions to structurally reduce energy consumption over the next three years. Bouwinvest is working continuously via a rolling forecast to ensure that it continues to meet its CRREM targets and in the coming years it will make additional investments and take additional measures to make its portfolios truly Paris Proof by 2045.

Bouwinvest CEO Mark Siezen: “While we are of course proud of the GRESB results we have achieved, at the end of the day what matters is that our portfolios are actually Paris Proof by 2045. We are pursuing these targets to help create a more sustainable world because we believe this is the best way to mitigate risk for our investors and in so doing so preserve financial value. If we do nothing now, the costs could be much higher later on, once we are faced with the actual consequences of global warming and the associated side effects of that warming.”
