17 October 2024

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The Bouwinvest Healthcare Fund has acquired the sustainable Thagaste residential care complex with 66 care units in Heemstede from Gaudium Real Estate. Kloek, an experienced Dutch healthcare provider specialising in elderly care and dementia care, will provide care in the building and has signed a long-term lease for the complex.

The complex is located on the Mariënheuvel estate. For many years, this location was the home of the Thagaste convent. Gaudium Real Estate acquired the current building and the contractor will now transform this into a modern and sustainable residential care complex through demolition and new construction. The project’s target group are senior citizens with more intensive care needs, for instance due to dementia.

Maikel Withaar, Real Estate Developer at Gaudium Real Estate: “We are delighted to work with Bouwinvest and Kloek to realise this highly sustainable healthcare development. By doing so, we are giving this unique location a full-fledged new interpretation that honours the former Congregation of Augustinian Sisters of Mercy convent.” 

Martin van de Graaf, Director at Kloek; “With the expansion of the Heemstede location, Kloek expects to be able to support even more elderly people with dementia and by doing so make a significant contribution to society. Kloek living with care, Your care under our wings.”

Bouwinvest sees a growing shortage of suitable housing for seniors, both with and without care needs. This shortage is only expected to increase in the coming years. Institutional investors, including Dutch pension funds, can play a crucial role in addressing this shortage of care homes and residential care complexes.

Maya Savelkoul, Fund Manager Dutch Healthcare Investments at Bouwinvest: “This acquisition is a good fit with the Healthcare Fund’s strategy, which focuses on private residential care, intramural care facilities and assisted living. With this investment, we are responding to the increasing demand for specialised care for seniors. The demographic trends in Heemstede, where the number of households with people aged 75 and above is expected to increase by 45% in the period to 2042, highlight the need for care facilities like the Thagaste complex.”

The investment will help the Healthcare Fund to achieve its Paris Proof targets to be gas-free and almost energy-neutral by 2045. The new building will achieve an above-average reduction of the legal BENG 2 requirement.

Construction firm Tervoort Egmond is responsible for the realisation of the new building and has now started work on the project. Completion is expected in the first quarter of 2026. Gaudium was assisted in this transaction by Capital Value (commercial) and CMS (legal).
